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You will be rewarded for being a good listener in the next week.
If you never give up on love, It will never give up on you.
There is a prospect of a thrilling time ahead for you.
No distance is too far, if two hearts are tied together.
Land is always in the mind of the flying birds.
Good things take time
Stop thinking about the road not taken and pave over the one you did.
Put your unhappiness aside. Life is beautiful, be happy.
You can still love what you can not have in life.
Make a wise choice everyday.
The man who waits till tomorrow, misses the opportunities of today.
Life does not get better by chance. It gets better by change.
If you never expect anything you can never be disappointed.
True wisdom is found in happiness.
Ones always regrets what could have done. Remember for next time.
All the water in the world can't sink a ship unless it gets inside.
The earth is a school learn in it.
If you speak honestly, everyone will listen.
Do what is right, not what you should. 
Bread today is better than cake tomorrow.
A feeling is an idea with roots.
If you don t give something, you will not get anything
If u love someone keep fighting for them
Do what you want, when you want, and you will be rewarded
Let your fantasies unwind...
Expect great things and great things will come
The Wheel of Good Fortune is finally turning in your direction!
Don't lead if you won't lead.
Share your hapiness with others today.
Your future will be happy and productive.
Those who walk in other's tracks leave no footprints.
Difficulty at the beginning usually means ease at the end.
Do not seek so much to find the answer as much as to understand the question better.
Friendship is an ocean that you cannot see bottom.
Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.
They say you are stubborn; you call it persistence.
Two small jumps are sometimes better than one big leap.
A new wardrobe brings great joy and change to your life.
I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.
Today is an ideal time to water your personal garden
Things are never quite the way they seem.
Beauty is simply beauty. originality is magical.
Be direct,usually one can accomplish more that way
A single kind work will keep one warm for years
Ask a friend to join you on your next voyage.
Stop searching forever, happiness is just next to you
Jealousy is a useless emotion
A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.
Aim high, time flies.
A great pleasure in life is doing what others say you can't.
Before you can be reborn you must die.
It better to be the hammer than the nail
You will soon witness a miracle
The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese

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